Subtropical Sundew
A easy to grow subtropical sundew. This variety doesn't like extra bright light. It is a..
$6.00 Ex Tax: $6.00
binata dichotoma giant
A great form of forked sundew. Large yellowish leaves, large thicker forks than typical.From ..
Starting From $7.50 Ex Tax: $7.50
binata mixed varieties
A common forked variety of sundew, displaying a single U type fork or a multiple amount. These..
Starting From $3.00 Ex Tax: $3.00
capensis green
A easy to grow sundew. Green leaves with clear dew. Self pollenating white flowers. Subt..
Starting From $3.75 Ex Tax: $3.75
capensis typical
A easy to grow sundew. Green leaves with clear dew. Self pollenating white flowers. Subt..
Starting From $3.00 Ex Tax: $3.00