Nepenthes Lowland

Nepenthes Lowland

ampullaria brunei red speckled BE-3007

ampullaria brunei red speckled BE-3007

A lowlander with colorful pitchers.  This variety will cover the ground with pitchers after it ..

Starting From $20.00 Ex Tax: $20.00

ampullaria harlequin BE-3681

ampullaria harlequin BE-3681

A great easy growing lowland plant.Size:Small 2-3 inch leafspanMedium 3.5-5 inch leafspanLarge 5.5+ ..

$15.00 Starting From $20.00 Ex Tax: $15.00

ampullaria Nabire Bronze BE-3304

ampullaria Nabire Bronze BE-3304

A lowlander with colorful pitchers.  A lighter backdrop coloring on the pitchers with bronze sp..

Starting From $22.00 Ex Tax: $22.00

merrilliana BE-3727

merrilliana BE-3727

A lowlander with colorful pitchers.  The plants and pitchers get huge.Size:Small 2-3 inch leafs..

$65.00 Starting From $75.00 Ex Tax: $65.00

mirabilis var. echinostoma BE-3372

mirabilis var. echinostoma BE-3372

A lowlander which is a fast growing.  The plants get the strangest peristome.Size:Size:Small 2-..

$25.00 Starting From $30.00 Ex Tax: $25.00

mirabilis var. globosa BE-3928

mirabilis var. globosa BE-3928

A nice easy growing lowland plant which produces pink to red  tubby pitchers as it matures. ..

$14.00 Starting From $18.00 Ex Tax: $14.00

rafflesiana BE-4519

rafflesiana BE-4519

A lowlander with colorful pitchers.  The plants and pitchers get huge.Size:Small 2-3 inch leafs..

$14.00 Starting From $18.00 Ex Tax: $14.00

rafflesiana brunei speckled BE-3722

rafflesiana brunei speckled BE-3722

A lowland variety that grows good size pitchers.Size:Small 2-3 inch leafspanMedium 3.5-5 inch leafsp..

$14.00 Starting From $20.00 Ex Tax: $14.00

ampullaria papua intermediate BE-3450

ampullaria papua intermediate BE-3450

 This variety originates from about 750m altitude and therefore tolerates higher temperatures..

$15.00 Starting From $20.00 Ex Tax: $15.00

clipeata BE-4058

clipeata BE-4058

Size:Small 2-3 inch leafspanMedium 3.5-5 inch leafspanLarge 5.5+ inch leafspanPictured is what the p..

$99.00 Starting From $122.00 Ex Tax: $99.00

rafflesiana BE-4571

rafflesiana BE-4571

A large pitchering lowland variety.  This is the Kalimantan form.Size:Small 2-3 inch leafspanM..

$14.00 Starting From $20.00 Ex Tax: $14.00

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